BYLAW #557




It is the purpose of this Bylaw to implement rules of order and guidelines for the orderly conduct of meetings of the Council of the Village of Montrose.  With the adoption of this Bylaw, the Council of the Village of Montrose endorses Sir John Bourniot’s Principles of Parliamentary Law:

To protect a minority and restrain the improvidence or tyranny of a majority; to secure the transaction of public business in an orderly manner; to enable every Member to express his opinions within limits necessary to preserve decorum and prevent an unnecessary waste of time; to give abundant opportunity for the consideration of every measure, and to prevent any legislative action being taken upon sudden impulse.

WHEREAS  section 235 of the Municipal Act RS Chap. 323 directs the Council of the Village of Montrose to regulate council meetings by bylaw,

NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Village of Montrose, in open meeting assembled, hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:

Short Title

1.      (1)     This Bylaw may be cited as the “Council Meeting Procedures Bylaw (2000)”.

Regular Council Meetings

2.      (1)     All meetings of Council shall be governed by Part 5.2 of the Municipal Act RS Chapter 323, by Robert’s Rules of Order, and as further regulated in this Bylaw.

3.      (1)     All Regular Meetings of  Council shall be held in the Council Chambers of the Village Office, at 565 – 11th Avenue in Montrose.

         (2)     Unless suspended pursuant to this Bylaw, Regular Meetings of Council shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of every month.

4.      (1)     Regular Meetings of Council shall be called to order at 7:00 PM or, if no quorum is present at that time, as soon as a quorum is assembled.  Where no quorum is present at 7:15 PM, the meeting shall be deemed canceled.

         (2)     Subject to the meeting extension provisions of this section, Regular Meetings shall be adjourned not later than 10:00 PM.

         (3)     Where the business of a Regular Meeting is not concluded at 10:00 PM, the Mayor, at his discretion, may order an extension of the meeting and call for the meeting to be adjourned not later than 10:15 PM.

         (4)     Where the business of a Regular Meeting is not concluded at 10:00 PM, Council may, by resolution, extend the meeting to 10:30 PM.

         (5)     In lieu of extending a Regular Meeting, or where Council fails to approve a resolution to extend a regular meeting, the Mayor may refer the unfinished business to the next Regular Meeting.

5.      (1)     Not later than 4 p.m. on Friday preceding a Regular Meeting of Council, the Clerk shall cause

                  (a)     a copy of the agenda for the Regular Meeting to be posted on the bulletin board in the Village Office,

                  (b)     a copy of the agenda to be placed on the desk of each member of Council in the Council Chambers at the Village Office, and

                  (c)     copies of the agenda to be available to members of the public at the Village Office.

Special Council Meetings

6.      (1)     Council may hold a Special Meeting to deal with any matter.

(2)        Except where notice of a Special Meeting has been waived by unanimous vote of all Council Members under section 223(3) of the Municipal Act, at least 24 hours before such Special Meeting, the Clerk shall

(a)     give advance public notice of the time, place and date of the Special Meeting by way of a notice posted on the bulletin board in the Village Office, and

                  (b)     give notice of the Special Meeting in accordance with section 223 of the Municipal Act.

In-Camera Council Meetings

7.      (1)     Subject to the limitations of section 242.2 and the requirements of section 242.3 of the Municipal Act, where Council is of the opinion that the public interest requires that a land, labour, or legal matter be referred to an In-Camera Meeting, Council may, by resolution, establish a date, time and agenda for such Meeting.

         (2)     Persons other than members of Council and officers of the Village shall be excluded from In-Camera Meetings, unless otherwise specifically authorized by Council resolution.

         (3)     Notice pursuant to section 223 of the Municipal Act for an In-Camera Meeting to be called to order immediately following the adjournment of a Regular Meeting shall be deemed to have been served provided the agenda for such In-Camera Meeting is circulated to all members of Council in conjunction with, and attached to, the agenda for the preceding Regular Meeting.

Committee Meetings

8.      (1)     A Committee-of-the-Whole meeting may be called by the Mayor or any two members of Council for the purpose of considering any Village matter.

         (2)     Not later than 72 hours prior to a Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting, the Clerk shall cause

(a)     a copy of the agenda for the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting to be posted on the bulletin board in the Village Office,

(b)     a copy of the agenda to be placed on the desk of each member of Council in the Council Chambers at the Village Office, and

(c)     copies of the agenda to be available to members of the public at the Village Office.

         (3)     Terms of reference for ad hoc, special and standing committees or task forces may be established by Council resolution.

         (4)     The Mayor may appoint members to ad hoc, special or standing committees or task forces.


9.      (1)     The minutes of Regular Meetings of Council and Committee-of-the-Whole Meetings shall be presented for approval by Council at the next following Regular Meeting.

         (2)     The minutes of a Special In-Camera Meeting shall be presented for approval by Council at the next Special In-Camera Meeting .

         (3)     Minutes and reports of ad hoc, special or standing committee or task force meetings shall be presented at the next following Regular Meeting of Council, or as otherwise directed by the terms of reference established pursuant to this section.


10.    (1)     The business of every Regular Meeting of Council shall follow an agenda prepared in the form outlined in Schedule “A” attached to and forming part of this Bylaw.

         (2)     The business of every Special In-Camera Meeting of Council shall follow an agenda prepared in the form outlined in Schedule “B” attached to and forming part of this Bylaw.

         (3)     The agenda for a Regular Meeting of Council shall be closed at noon on the Friday immediately preceding the meeting, and no item shall be added to or be deleted from the agenda following closure of the agenda, unless such addition or deletion is approved by resolution.

         (4)     The Clerk shall provide a copy of the agenda, together with supporting documents, to each member of Council on Friday preceding the meeting at such location or address as may be directed by each member of Council.

Adoption of Bylaws

11.    (1)     The procedure for the adoption of bylaws shall be as follows:

                  (a)     A resolution stating: “That Bylaw # …, cited as the … be now introduced and read a first time.”

                  (b)     A resolution stating: “That Bylaw # …, cited as the  …, having been given due and detailed consideration by Council, be now read a second time.”

                  (c)     A resolution stating: “That Bylaw # …, cited as the …, be now read a third time.”

                  (d)     A resolution stating: “That Bylaw # …, cited as the …, having been reconsidered and having met all prerequisites for final adoption, be now finally adopted, sealed and signed by the Mayor and the Clerk.”

         (2)     Council may combine second and third reading of a bylaw.  A resolution to that effect shall state: “That Bylaw # …, cited as the …, having been given due and detailed consideration by Council, be now read a second and third time.”

12.    (1)     Unless otherwise authorized by the Municipal Act, Council shall not consider a resolution for the final adoption of a Bylaw prior to one day after the meeting where a resolution for third reading of the Bylaw was approved.

         (2)     A resolution for the final adoption of a Bylaw may be considered at a Regular Meeting, or at a Special Meeting open to the public and called for that purpose.


13.    (1)     If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid portion shall be severed and the part that is invalid shall not affect the validity of the remainder.

         (2)     Bylaw #526 is hereby repealed.

         (3)     This Bylaw shall come into full force and effect on the final adoption thereof.


READ A FIRST TIME                                                                       this 21st day of December, 1999

READ A SECOND TIME                                                                 this  21st day of December, 1999

READ A THIRD TIME                                                                      this  21st day of December, 1999

RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED                               this   4th day   of January , 2000




           _________________________                                  _________________________

                                Mayor                                                                                                Clerk




Certified a true copy of Bylaw 557, as adopted








BYLAW #557


Schedule “A”




1.          Call to Order

2.          Adoption of the Agenda

3.          Delegations

4.          Approval of the Minutes

5.          Consent Calendar

6.          Motions & Submissions

7.          Referrals from Prior Meetings

8.          Correspondence

9.          Reports & Memoranda

10.       Financial Matters

11.       Bylaws

12.       Policies

13.       Member Reports & Inquiries

14.       Adjournment



(Items of general interest to Council but not requiring formal consideration by Council)



(Items of general interest, not provided to Council with the agenda but available for perusal at the Office of the Clerk)




BYLAW #557


Schedule “B”




1.          Call to Order

2.          In-Camera Resolution

3.          Adoption of the Agenda

4.          Approval of the Special Meeting Minutes

5.          Land Matters

6.          Labour Matters

7.          Legal Matters

8.          Adjournment