A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of Montrose held in the Council Chambers on April 6, 1999.

Present:                      Mayor M. Walsh

                                    Councillor R. Clarke

                                    Councillor G. Parker

                                    Councillor P. Stone

                                    Administrator A. Carrel

Absent:                      Councillor D. Berriault

                                    Call to Order

                                    Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.


                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That the revised agenda for Regular Meeting #7-99 be adopted as circulated.



Bill James                    Requested permission to construct a parking pad adjacent to his driveway at 945-9th Avenue, to be located partially on the road allowance.

                                    Mr. James was advised to contact the Village Office for location of utilities.

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That Mr. James be permitted to construct a parking pad partially on the road allowance, subject to general encroachment conditions.



                                    Moved by Councillor Stone 

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That the minutes of Regular Meeting #6-99 of March 23, 1999, be adopted as circulated.


                                    Consent Calendar

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That the Consent Calendar including:

                                    (1)   BV Public Library Meeting Minutes - Feb/25/99;

                                    (2)   BC Corps of Commissionaires;

                                    (3)   In the House - Highlights of Provincial Budget;

(4)     BVRC Minutes - Jan/26/99;

(5)     Proceedings - 99 Symposium on Local Government;

(6)     UBCM Submission on Gaming White Paper;

(7)     J.L. Crowe - Thank you for pins;

(8)     BV Youth Centre Thank you & Invitation;

(9)     RDKB Board - Feb/25/99;

(10)  RDKB Community Services Commission - Mar/16/99;

(11)  Letter from G. McMahon to SD #20;

(12)  Letter from District of North Vancouver to G. Gardom, and

(13)  Letter from City of Rossland to RDKB,

                               be accepted as circulated.


                                    Council directed that a copy of the Recreation Commission bylaw be forwarded to BVRC.

                                    Councillor Clarke will attend BV Youth Centre Open House Tea.

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That a letter be sent to the RDKB to express Council’s opposition to the RDKB Board’s policy decision of having the cost of alcoholic beverages at regular pre-meeting meals paid for by the RDKB.


                                    Motions & Submissions

Community Award   Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That Mrs. Frances Thomas of 255 10th Avenue be recognized with the 1999 Montrose Community Service Award to acknowledge her long-standing contribution to all aspects of community life in Montrose.


                                    Referrals From Prior Meetings

Meeting Schedule    A review of the 1999 Meeting & Agenda Schedule.

                                    Council requested that the Administrator’s performance review be scheduled according to the Contract.

Waste Mgmt             Administrator - Draft of a Garbage & Recycling Service Community Survey.

                                    Council directed that the survey be expanded to legal-size paper for better legibility, and that it be mailed out to all local residence, and that the submission deadline be May 14, 1999.


Grand Forks               Invitation to the opening ceremonies of the airport lighting system.


National Kids Day      Request for the proclamation of June 12, 1999, as National Kids Day.

                                    Moved By Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That June 12, 1999, be proclaimed National Kids Day, and that the proclamation be added to the Proclamation Policy.


OCP Amendment    RDKB - Notice of response to OCP Amendment Bylaw #541.


Rec. Facilities             Keen Rose - Notice of public private partnership experience in Cranbrook for the development of recreation facilities.

                                    Council requested more information on the firm’s experience in public private partnerships in small communities.

Rec. Facilities             RDKB - Notice of agreement to receive Montrose Council as a delegation at the April 20, 1999, Commission meeting in the matter of a recreation facility in Montrose.

                                    Council will meet on April 13, 1999, at 3:30 p.m. to prepare for the RDKB recreation submission.

BV CPG                      Bill Wenman, Chair of BVCPG - Notice of a meeting on April 27, 1999, on the subject of amalgamation Trail area RCMP detachments.


BV EMO                     Bill Wenman, Municipal Emergency Coordinator - Report on the EMPO’s support of the proposed amalgamation of RCMP detachments.


UBCM                         Survey in the matter of small community & electoral area representative elections.


UBCM                         Questionnaire on future UBCM Convention locations.


S.D. #20                      Notice of a meeting with Council on Friday, April 9, 1999, at 5 p.m. at the Montrose Community Hall.

                                    Council agreed to meet on Apr/9/99 at the Village Office at 4 p.m. to prepare for the meeting with the School Board.

                                    Ms. Kim Mandoli, PAC President, made a presentation on the subject of the announce school closure. She expressed appreciation for the support from Village Council at the March 30, 1999, meeting.

                                    Ms. Mandoli identified the following issues of concern on behalf of the Parent Advisory Committee:

                                    a)   access to S.D. #20 financial information;

                                    b)   possible additional uses of the Montrose school to accommodate playschool, child care, pre-kindergarten program, teen/youth center, adult education programs, charter school, tutoring program;

                                    c)   possible cost savings in the operation of the Montrose school through shared services (grounds maintenance), shared equipment.

                                    Ms. Mandoli agreed to submit a written report on the issue.

Child Care                 Invitation to participate in the May 7, 1999, Toddle-A-Thon in Trail.


SF Health Region       Request for support to uphold current WCB regulations concerning smoking.

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That a letter be written to the Workers Compensation Board in support of Simon Fraser Health Region’s position respecting WCB smoking regulations.


WAMOA                    Request for support in opposition to proposed gaming expansion.


M.  Pazurik                  Proposal to relocate the PNE relief map in Montrose.


                                    Reports & Memoranda

Lift Stn #2                   Administrator - Report on property values in the vicinity of #2 lift station.

                                    Council requested that:

                                    a)   steps be taken to ensure that the colour of the two control enclosures be matched,

                                    b)   the manhole be painted to match the control enclosures, and

                                    c)   the gas meter be relocate to the rear of the generator.

Townhall Meeting     Administrator - Notice that the Waste Management Coordinator will not be able to attend.


Recycling Depot      Administrator - Report on contractor’s obligations regarding the clean-up of the recycling depot.

                                    Council noted that the site was again in a disorderly condition.

                                    Council directed that all future request to empty the bins and/or clean up the site be submitted to the RDKB in writing.

Hall Rentals                Administrator - Report on a survey of community hall rental rates in B.C. villages.

                                    The administrator was directed to add the Warfield hall rental rates to the survey and return the survey for consideration.

Montrose School       Administrator - Information statutory provisions for school closure and contracted education services.


                                    Financial matters

Accounts Payable   Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That the commitments and expenditures represented by the accounts payable listed below be authorized and that their payment in the amount of TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO dollars and NINETEEN cents ($23,392.19) in total be approved:

                                    Cheques #3104 to #3138 inclusive                                 $  23,392.19

                                    TOTAL NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE                                  $  23,392.19



#542                           Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That Bylaw #542, cited as the “1999 Annual Operating Budget Bylaw”, having been given due and detailed consideration, be now read a second time.



#543                           Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That Bylaw #543, cited as the “1999 Property Tax Rate Bylaw”, having been given due and detailed consideration, be now read a second time.




                                    Member Reports & Inquiries

Councillor Berriault    A written report concerning:

                                    a)   B. James delegation;

                                    b)   Role for the BVRC;

                                    c)   Recommendation for Community Service Award;

d)    Notice of attendance ad S.D. #20 meeting;

e)    Notice of cancellation of RDKB grant to soccer field in Fruitvale;

f)      Notice that special occasion license for April 13, 1999, has been applied for, and

g)    Summary public works report.

Councillor Stone       A verbal report on:

a)     request for an employee innovation reward policy;

b)     request for a human resources policy (fair and equitable treatment of employees);

c)     request for an orientation manual for newly elected Councillors;

d)     volunteers’ work on landscape improvements along the fence of the Community Hall;

e)     request for the development of plans for entry modifications to the lower level for the 2000 budget.

f)       Volunteers’ offer to look at landscape improvements at Village Office;

g)     suggestion that the administrator, together with Mr. Gary Williams, consider arranging a council seminar in the area after the election.

Councillor Clarke      A verbal report on:

                                   a)   success of Seniors dinner was a success;

                                    b)   apology for the delay in publishing Council information in the Source;

                                    c)   request that all locations for garbage pick-up be checked this week because of the delay in publishing of pick-up information;

                                    d)   notice of the Volunteers’ wine & cheese reception on Tuesday, April 13 at 7 p.m.;

                                    e)   report on the economic development commission meeting, and the concern about the lack of information from the proponent of the packaging plant;

                                    f)    request for the cost of community signs to replace Beaver signs.

Councillor Parker       A verbal report on:

                                    a)   request to modify the parking lot lighting at to illuminate the upper tennis courts;

                                    b)   request to clean up the lower tennis courts check the lighting;

                                    c)   request for improved security at the pool site;

d)   suggestion for a plebiscite on a recreation facility for Montrose in conjunction with the fall election;

e)   request for a report on ball park readiness progress.

Mayor Walsh              A verbal report on:

                                    a)   request for supply information for a ball park fountain, to be mounted at the Community Hall;

                                    b)   request for stripping and waxing of the Community Hall floor, considering coordinating the work with the School District;

                                    c)   suggestion to contact the Principal of the Montrose school about the feasibility of school project to create a Montrose web page.

Administrator             Notified Council of absence during the week of April 19, 1999.


                                    On a motion by Councillor Stone, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM.


I hereby certify the preceding to be a true and correct account of the Regular Meeting #7-99 of Council held on April 6, 1999.




                          _________________________               _________________________

                                                      Mayor                                                                Clerk