A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of Montrose held in the Council Chambers on June 1, 1999.

Present:                      Mayor M. Walsh

                                    Councillor D. Berriault

                                    Councillor R. Clarke

                                    Councillor P. Stone

                                    Administrator A. Carrel

Absent:                      Councillor G. Parker

                                    Call to Order

                                    Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


                                    Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That the revised agenda for Regular Meeting #12-99 be adopted as circulated.



J. McConnachie       A presentation requesting consideration of a development permit R. Dar      for Lot 30, Plan 12249.

                                    Council acknowledged the presentation and agreed to consider the development permit once the deficiencies reported with respect to the application are dealt with by the applicant.


Meeting #11-99        Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That the minutes of Regular Meeting #11-99 of May 18, 1999, be adopted as circulated.


                                    Consent Calendar

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That the Consent Calendar including:

                                    (1)   RDKB Board Minutes, April 29, 1999;

                                    (2)   BVRC Minutes, April 21, 1999, and

                                    (3)   Letter from PAC to School District #20

                               be accepted as circulated.


                                    Motions & Submissions


                                    Referrals From Prior Meetings

Schedule 1999           Meeting & Agenda Schedule for 1999.


Schedule 2000           Meeting & Agenda Schedule for 2000.


OCP Amendment    Examination of the RDKB’s position on the Montrose OCP amendment, as reported in the Minutes of RDKB Board Meeting, April 29, 1999.


RDKB Liquor Policy    Examination of the RDKB’s position on the policy of liquor purchases for pre-meeting dinners, as reported in the Minutes of RDKB Board Meeting of April 29, 1999.

                                    Referred to the next meeting.

Community Hall        A survey of community hall rental rates charged by British Columbia villages, and the rates Montrose would have to charge to generate an operating cost recovery in excess of 30%.

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That the accounting system be modified to segregate Community Hall rental revenues by rate classification.


                                    Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That the Community Hall rental rate for weddings be increased to two hundred dollars ($200).



Min. Education          Regrets from Minister of Education, Mr. Paul Ramsey, in response to Council’s request for a meeting.


Trail Kiwanis                 An invitation to participate in the Kiwanis Club Canada Day celebrations.

                                    Councillor Stone has agreed to represent the Village.

BVRC Seniors             Request for a $200 donation toward the 5th Annual Seniors’ Day.

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That Council approve the request and contribute $200 to the 5th Annual Seniors’ Day.


S.D. #20                      Copy of the request to the Minister of Education for approval to close the Montrose school.

                                    Council directed that a copy of this letter be forwarded to the Montrose Parent Advisory Committee.

                                    Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That a letter be written to the Minister of Education, with copies to the School Board and the PAC, to advise him of discrepancies in the School Board’s request, specifically in respect of the possible future re-opening of the Montrose school, the public’s feedback to the closure proposal, and the projected capital expenditure required for the Montrose school.


Fire Service                Exchange of correspondence between the City of Rossland and the RDKB on a request for a conversion bylaw for the regional fire service.


BV Youth Centre      Request from the Beaver Valley Youth Center for assistance to employ a recreational coordinator.

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That the Beaver Valley Youth Center supply information on the numbers of Montrose children frequenting the Center prior to consideration being given to the request for funding.


                                    The administrator was directed to follow-up on the request to the Village of Fruitvale regarding the Montrose contribution to the Youth Center lease.

BVRC                          Notice of the cancellation of the Summer Parks Program in Montrose due to lack of Council support.

                                    Councillor Berriault

                                    Councillor Clarke

                                    That the Village contribute the requested $600 to the BVRC playground program.


                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That a letter be drafted to the BVRC to explain Council’s reluctance to contribute to the BVRC playground program.


                                    Reports & Memoranda

Garbage Survey       Administrator - An evaluation of the garbage and recycling service community survey.


                                    Council directed that a garbage collection audit be undertaken during the month of June.

Garbage Survey       Administrator - A report listing all comments submitted by citizens on the garbage and recycling service survey.


S&I Construction       Administrator - A report on telephone advice received from Mr. T. Ius concerning the development permit application for lot 30, plan 12249.


MoTH                          Administrator - Notice of a June 24th meeting with the Ministry of Transportation and Highways, with a request for an agenda.

                                    Referred to next meeting.

Equipment Pool        Administrator - A proposal for the creation of an inter-municipal equipment pool.

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That the concept of an inter-municipal equipment pool be approval in principle.


                                    Financial matters

Accounts Payable   Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That the commitments and expenditures represented by the accounts payable listed below be authorized and that their payment in the amount of TEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINE dollars and FIFTY-ONE cents ($10,739.51) in total be approved:

                                    Cheques #3435-3452 inclusive                                         $  10,739.51

                                    TOTAL NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE                                  $  10,739.51



#545                           Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Stone

                                    That Bylaw #545, cited as the “Tax & Utilities Prepayment Plan Bylaw,” having been reconsidered and having met all prerequisites for final adoption, be now finally adopted, sealed and signed by the Mayor and the Clerk.




                                    Member Reports & Inquiries

Councillor Stone       Written report:

a)    appreciation to all who attended the Saturday Strategic Planning Workshop;

b)    concern about delays in the printing of tax notices due to program problems;

c)    appreciation for the continued support from volunteer landscapers, and

d)    proposal from Matthes Building Design Inc. for the design of Montrose Parkland Improvement Project.

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That Council approve Phase 1 of the Montrose Parkland Improvement Project, as per Matthes Building Design Inc. proposal of May 25, 1999, at a cost of $650 plus GST.


Councillor Clarke      A verbal report:

a)    pending announcement from the Economic Development Commission regarding the box plant proposal;

                                    b)   next art display at the Village Office to be from Montrose elementary school students, with an open house scheduled at 6:30 p.m. June 15, immediately preceding the Council Meeting (refreshments to be arranged);

                                    c)   request for a thank you note to the Langille’s for their art exhibit over the last month;

d)    request for a thank you to Grace Terness for attending and participating in the Strategic Planning Workshop;

e)    the Family Fun Days fire will be located behind the Community Hall on Friday night;

f)      a written summary of Council events, prepared for Local Government Awareness week, and

g)    notice of absence from June 30 to July 26.

Councillor Berriault    Inquired about the possibility of Council giving conditional approval for a development permit, subject to conditions being met to the satisfaction of staff.

                                    The administrator advised that subject-to approvals are, in effect, a delegation of approving authority, and as such should be considered very carefully by Council.

Mayor Walsh              Family Fun Days requests:

a)    the Village pickup truck (cleaned) to be ready at 4 p.m. on Friday;

b)    the Village garbage truck to be parked by the Community Hall, (keys with pickup keys);

c)    the PA system from Village Office to be left at the Community Hall, and

d)    road barricades to be left in the pickup.

                                    Advised that a fountain insert has been purchased at a price of $475 for the Montrose Park fountain.

Administrator             a)   Circulated a draft of the Preliminary Application Forms for Community Bond.

                                    b)   Circulated a first draft of 1999 Strategic Planning Workshop Objectives.


                                    On a motion by Councillor Berriault, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.


I hereby certify the preceding to be a true and correct account of the Regular Meeting #12-99 of Council held on June 1, 1999.




                          _________________________               _________________________

                                                      Mayor                                                                Clerk