A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of Montrose held in the Council Chambers on April 18, 2000.

Present:                      Acting Mayor G. Parker

                                    Councillor A. Benzer

                                    Councillor R. Dostaler

                                    Councillor G. Parker

                                    Councillor P. Stone

                                    Administrator A. Carrel

Absent:                      Mayor M. Walsh

                                    Call to Order

                                    Acting Mayor Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Agenda                     Moved by Councillor Dostaler

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That the revised agenda for Regular Meeting #09-00 be adopted as circulated.



Trail Library                  Ms. J. Huebert, Librarian, and Ms. Cindy Coelho made a presentation on the community’s use of the Library, and the need for the expansion of the facility.

Girl Guides                 Ms. Ingrid Hope made a presentation on behalf of the Girl Guides of Canada’s SOAR 2001 summer camp from July 21-29, 2001. The camp will attract 2,200 people, and the organizers may be calling on the Village to gain access to a water supply for the camp.

Gus Conacher          Presentation by the Conacher family with a proposal to sponsor a cluster of Picea Omerica trees in conjunction with the proposed water park, in memory of Mrs. Conacher.

                                    Council appreciated the offer and will take it in consideration as the planning for the park progresses.


Meeting #08-00        Moved by Councillor Benzer

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That the minutes of Regular Meeting #08-00 of April 4, 2000, be adopted as circulated.


                                    Consent Calendar

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That the Consent Calendar including:

(1)     Minister of Municipal Affairs - Introduction;

(2)     Attorney General – Funding for Organized Crime Agency;

(3)     WCB – Proclamation Day of Mourning;

(4)     Premier Dosanjh – Acknowledgment;

(5)     MIA – Risk Management Tidbits

(6)     Midway – 230 kv Project Proposal;

(7)     RD Fire Service – Montrose Incident Report;

(8)     Castlegar – Sunfest Parade Invitation;

(9)     Warfield – Parade Invitation;

(10) RDKB – Board Minutes of February 24, 2000, and

(11) RDKB – Commission Minutes of March 14 & 21, 2000

                                    be accepted as circulated.


                                    Motions & Submissions


                                    Referrals From Prior Meetings

Matthes Design         Design for a new entry to the Village Office.

                                    Referred to the next meeting.

Bingham-Whyte        Cost estimate for the repainting of the Public Works Building and the Village Office.

                                    Referred to the next meeting


Toxco                         In response to Council’s inquiry, an invitation to visit the facility.

                                    Council accepted the offer to visit the facility. Councillors Benzer & Dostaler will contact the Village office to make arrangements for the tour, other members of Council are to be notified of the tour once a schedule has been set.

Rossland                     Copy of a letter to the Minister concerning RDKB Recreation Capital funding.


Greenwood               Invitation to attend the unveiling of the Tunnel of Flags.


BV Rec Comm          Request for contribution to the Beaver Valley Citizen of the Year Award.


Recreation Capital   Notice from the RDKB of the approval of a $265,000 recreation capital grant for the next five years.

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That a Memorandum of Understanding for the 5-year capital funding agreement be drafted for consideration by Council.


BC Gas                       Financing of the Southern Crossing pipeline project.


Girl Guides                 Request for assurance of water supply for the SOAR 2001 camp on the Trail Horseman grounds.


RDKB                           Notice of withdrawal by the RDKB from the 230 kV project proposal.


RD Fire Service           Report on the Toxco fires in response to Council’s earlier inquiry.

                                    Council request copies of reports on the findings of environmental investigations conducted by the Ministry.

Silver City Days          Invitation from the City of Trail to participate in the Silver City Days Bocce Tournament and festivities.

                                    Council agreed to enter a Bocce team, participants will notify the Village office.

UBCM                         Request to declare June 3, 2000, Access Awareness Day.


UBCM                         Notice of convention resolution process.

                                    Referred to next meeting.

Min. of Health            Request for the proclamation of British Columbia’s Seniors’ Week 2000 from June 4 to 10, 2000.


Dry Grads                   Application from JL Crowe Dry Grad Committee for a contribution to the 2000 Dry Grad celebrations.

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That the rental fee for Montrose Hall be waived for use by the Dry Grad Committee for fund raising purposes.


W.K. Steelers              Application from W.K. Steelers Girls Fast Pitch for free rental of the Montrose Hall basement.

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That the rental fee for Montrose Hall be waived for use by the W.K. Steelers Girls Fast Pitch for fund raising purposes.


                                    Reports & Memoranda

Audit Mgmt Letter    Administrator – report on steps taken in response to the auditor’s management letter recommendations.


Recycling Depot      Administrator – report on the background to the recycling depot with recommendations for site improvements.

                                    Referred to next meeting.

Frontier Park               Administrator – Report on survey undertaken to determine the location of 12th Avenue along Frontier Park.

                                    Moved by Councillor Benzer

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That road closure proceedings be initiated for 11th Avenue at Frontier Park.


                                    Referred to the next Council meeting for consideration of a partial closure of 12th Avenue.

Strategic Plan            Administrator – March progress report on Primary and Secondary Objectives.


Financial Plan            Administrator – Explanatory notes on Financial Plan Bylaw #562.


                                    Referred to the next meeting to set a date for the townhall meeting.

Golden Acre             Administrator – Report on geotechnical investigation by Jacques Whitford & Associates Limited of mud slides over the 7th Street retaining wall.


General Matters       Deputy Clerk – Memorandum reporting on:

a)     BCWWA response to Council’s invitation for a presentation;

b)     Request from Ms. Judy Sorenson for pins for the International Guiding Camp in England;

c)     Report on John Orrell’s success at the Trail Hospice Swimathon.


                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That 100 pins be given to Ms. Sorenson for the International Guiding Camp.


                                    Financial matters

Accounts Payable   Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That the commitments and expenditures represented by the accounts payable listed below be authorized and that their payment in the amount of TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE dollars and EIGHTY-EIGHT cents ($24,523.88) in total be approved:

                                    Cheques #3287-3312 inclusive                                         $  24,523.88

                                    TOTAL NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE                                  $  24,523.88



#562                           Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That Bylaw #562, cited as the “Montrose Financial Plan 2000-2004 Bylaw”, having been given due and detailed consideration, be now read a second and third time.


#563                           Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That Bylaw #563, cited as the “2000 Property Tax Rate Bylaw”, having been given due and detailed consideration, be now read a second and third time.




#2540                         Council directed that the policy be amended to delete the reference to volunteers, and that the amended policy be returned for consideration.

#2730                         Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That policy #2730, being the Staff Evaluation Policy, be confirmed unchanged.


                                    Member Reports & Inquiries

Councillor Stone       A written report on:

a)     financial plan workshop;

b)     the need to schedule an in-camera meeting on May 2, 2000 for the CAO performance evaluation;

c)     Volunteer Reception, and thank you note to Maglio’s for garden furniture, requested financial statement of the event;

d)     RDKB planning and development meetings.

A verbal report on:

a)     RDKB staff was requested to arrange for facilitator to arrange further development of recreation function planning;

b)     RDKB Fruitvale memorial hall funding reduced to 50% or $500,000 whichever is less;

c)     request from Trail to Montrose for support of full-time ambulance service;

d)     Trail Transit Handi-Dart services, a planning representative will attend a meeting.

Councillor Benzer      A verbal report on:

a)     the status of pending projects.

A written report on:

a)     the AKBM conference agenda, presentations, and resolutions.

Councillor Dostaler   A verbal report on:

a)     AKBM comments and observations;

b)     the possibility of sharing quotes for a new service truck with the Village of Warfield for the purpose of joint purchase;

c)     reported incidents involving aggressive dogs;

d)     drainage problems in alleys.

Councillor Parker       A verbal report on:

a)     appreciation for the Larry Fitzpatrick dinner;

b)     parks maintenance procedures as we do not appear to have an inventory;

c)     a large size sign at the end of 9th, “James’ Business Services”;

d)     Parks & Playground Committee’s tour of parks, impression that maintenance is lacking, parks are overgrown, more effort needed to be directed to parks maintenance;

e)     the Community Policing Consultative Group meeting.

Administrator             Notice of absence from April 20 to May 12, 2000.




                                    On a motion by Councillor Benzer, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

I hereby certify the preceding to be a true and correct account of the Regular Meeting #09-00 of Council held on April 18, 2000.



              _________________________                                       _________________________

                                       Mayor                                                                                              Clerk