A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of Montrose held in the Council Chambers on August 03, 1999.

Present:                      Mayor M. Walsh

                                    Councillor D. Berriault

                                    Councillor R. Clarke

                                    Deputy Clerk G. Terness



Absent:                      Councillor P. Stone

                                    Councillor G. Parker

                                    Administrator A. Carrel

                                    Call to Order

                                    Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.


                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That the revised agenda for Regular Meeting #16-99 be adopted as amended.



SOS Committee        Terry Jones Sr. spoke on behalf of SOS with concerns about the July 26th  Trail Times editorial by Ray Masleck.  SOS requested that Council write a letter to the Times for an apology or retraction of comments made in the editorial regarding the Montrose School.

                                    Councillor Clarke responded by suggesting that editorials are an opinion and if there is disagreement with the editorial more weight would be carried by  individual residents writing letters to the editor voicing their own concerns and opinions.

PAC                            Kim Mandoli spoke on behalf of PAC advising they are ready to move on and move forward in cooperation with the school board.  Council was reqested to strike a committee to actively market Montrose as a great place to live and encourage young families to move to Montrose. Further reminded Council of the August 16th Public Meeting on the Ward System at Stanley Humphries School

                                    Councillor Clarke indicated he would investigate.  The delegation was advised that the Village had just acquired an internet address.  Short discussion about a possible Web Page. 

A & D Bath                 Concern expressed that with the dry conditions,  motorbikes  some without mufflers are going down the gulley beyond their residence.  They have called the RCMP on numerous occasions without much success.  They are also concerned about what sounds like firecrackers or shots in the Village.  Staff was directed to contact the RCMP.

Shop/Office Dev      Robert Matthes of Matthes Building Design presented suggestions and a first draft of a Shop/Office/Firehall Development

                                    Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That the first draft of the Shop Office Reno be accepted and further that Matthes Design consult with staff as to their needs.



Meeting #15-99        Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That the minutes of Regular Meeting #15-99 of July 20, 1999, be adopted as circulated.


                                    Consent Calendar

                                    Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That the Consent Calendar including:

                                    (1)     UBCM - Cabinet Shuffle

                           (2)     MIA Risk Management Tidbits

                           (3)     School District #20

                           (4)     Copy of letter from Kim Mandoli to School District #20

                           (5)     UBCM - Legislative Session Finally Adjourns

                           (6)     Incident Report - Montrose Fire Dept

                     (7)     Diana Butler’s Report on RDKB Community Services

                           (8)     School District #20 -  MR:  Electoral Boundaries

                                    (9)     MIA - Delegates

                               be accepted as circulated.


                                    Motions & Submissions


                                    Referrals From Prior Meetings

Schedule 99/00         Meeting & Agenda Schedule for 1999 & 2000.


RDKB Liquor Policy    Examination of the RDKB’s position on the policy of liquor purchases for pre-meeting dinners, as reported in the Minutes of RDKB Board Meeting of April 29, 1999.

                                    Councillor Berriault advised the staff report is not yet ready

                                    Referred to next meeting or until staff report is completed   

Rec Fac Survey         Draft 2 accepted with the following change:

                                    In the first sentence delete the words ‘Montrose and’ 


BVRC                          Thank you letter Senior’s BBQ


Rossland                     Copy of letter to Minister Kwan regarding Municipal Act Reform -  Regional District Legislation 


Jean Cormack          Letter to Administrator regarding the discussion paper “A Comprehensive Community Education & Resource Centre”



                                    Reports & Memoranda

Com Plan/Dev Prg   Acknowledged and referred to next meeting


Veh Acc Report       Mayor advised we should get the minor fixes done on the garbage truck


Garb Coll Survey       Referred to next meeting


                                    Financial matters

Accounts Payable   Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That the commitments and expenditures represented by the accounts payable listed below be authorized and that their payment in the amount of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND AND EIGHTY-THREE dollars and FIFTY-TWO cents ($283,083.53) in total be approved:

                                    Cheques #3562 - 35881 inclusive                                     $ 283,083.52

                                    TOTAL NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE                                  $ 283,083.52


                                    Question:  R.G. Contracting Invoice billed $660.00 for moving and         replacing garden shed.


#548                           Moved by Councillor Clarke

                                    Seconded by Councillor Berriault

                                    That Bylaw #548, cited as the “Water & Sewer Security Issuing Bylaw #548” having been given due and detailed consideration, be now read a third time.



Village Pins Policy     Moved by Councillor Berriault

                                    Seconded by Councillor Clarke  

                                    That the draft Village Pins policy be accepted with the amendment that an inventory of not less than 250 pins be maintained


                                    Member Reports & Inquiries

Councillor Stone       No report:


Councillor Clarke      A verbal report:

                                    a)   Will be away August 24th

                                    b)   After the August 16th Public Hearing Council should take a position on the Ward System

Councillor Berriault    A verbal report:

                                    a)   RDKB denied waiving of tipping fees for Laura J. Morrish  school demolition

                                    b)   A 30 x 30 Reuse Building will be constructed at the McKelvy Creek Landfill at An approximate cost of $36,000

                                    c)   The present mechanic firefighter position is vacant and Fire Services will be hiring a mechanic firefighter or a mechanic and training as a firefighter

                                    d)   requested that the Emergency Training Schedule be given to our PEP coordinator Bill Wenman

Letter of support       Moved by Councillor Berriault      

ILMA                           Seconded by Councillor Clarke

                                    That a letter of support be sent to the Minister of International Trade for the Interior Lumber Manufacturers’ Assocation’s position on the US Customs Service Determination


Councillor Parker       No report


Mayor Walsh              No report:


Administrator             No report:



                                    On a motion by Councillor Berriault, the meeting adjourned at  8:50 p.m.

I hereby certify the preceding to be a true and correct account of the Regular Meeting #16-99 of Council held on August 3, 1999.



                          _________________________               _________________________

                                                      Mayor                                                         Deputy Clerk