A Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of Montrose held in the Council Chambers on March 5, 2001.

Present:                      Mayor M. Walsh

                                    Councillor A. Benzer

                                    Councillor R. Dostaler

                                    Councillor G. Parker

                                    Councillor Stone

                                    Deputy Clerk G. Terness

Absent:                      Administrator A. Carrel

                                    Call to Order

                                    Mayor Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Agenda                     Moved by Councillor Benzer

                                    Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That the agenda for Regular Meeting #07-01 be adopted as circulated.



School Parking           Sharon Berriault complaint about School District Van parking in “No Parking Zone” at Montrose School

Crime Prevention      George Briathwaite of the Crime Prevention Program requesting Council support the program as a Regional function.


Meeting #05-01        Moved by Councillor Dostaler

                                    Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That the minutes of Regular Meeting #05-01 of February 20, 2001, be adopted as circulated.


Committee of           Moved by Councillor Benzer

the Whole                  Seconded by Councillor Parker

                                    That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole of February 19, 2001, be adopted as circulated.


                                    Consent Calendar

                                    Moved by Councillor Parker

                                    Seconded by Councillor Benzer

                                    That the Consent Calendar including:

(1)        Kootenay Music Festival

(2)        Kootenay Lake Joggers

(3)        BC Hydro  - Seven Mile Generating Station

(4)        Minutes :  BV Public Library Board – Feb 15, 2001

(5)        Seniors Helping Seniors Meeting Notes

(6)        RDKB Co 5 January Incident Report

(7)        MIA Risk Management

(8)        Bylaw Enforcement February Report

(9)        Minutes:  School Dist 20 – Feb 19, 2001

(10)     Minutes:  RDKB Board – January 25, 2001

(11)     Minutes:  RD Community Services Commission – Feb 6, 2001      

(12)     Copy of letter to Telus signed by Mayor Walsh

                                            be accepted as circulated.


                                    Motions & Submissions


                                    Referrals From Prior Meetings


City of Rossland        Municipal Equipment Rental Agreement

                                    Referred to March 20, 2001 meeting


Dist of Ft St. James    GST on Utility Invoices



ICBC                           The Road Sense Ranger Road Show

                  That the Road Show be invited to the Montrose Family Fun Day Festivities

                  On June 1st and 2nd, 2001


Warfield                      Animal Pound Services

                                    Moved by Councillor Parker                                                                                                                                          

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That the Village of Warfield be advised  that, at this time, the Village of

                                    Montrose is not interested in participating in a joint proposal call for animal

                                    pound services.



AKBM                        Call for Resolutions


BV Middle School     Survey


Burns Lake                  Burns Lake Band Servicing


                                    Reports & Memoranda

Water Supply             The Beaver Falls Water District has agreed to participate with the Village in a joint study of our water supply systems to the level of $500 or 10% whichever is lesser.

                                    Moved by Councillor Stone

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That the Village accept the Beaver Falls Water District joint study participation offer.


Change Rm Sub       Sketch plans and report with proposal to CCERC

                                    Referred to April 3,, 2001 Council Meeting


                                    Financial matters

Accounts Payable   Moved by Councillor Stone

#4502 - 4532              Seconded by Councillor Benzer


That the commitments and expenditure motion of meeting #5, February 20, 2001 be rescinded and the corrected commitments and expenditures represented by the accounts payable listed below be authorized and that the payment in the amount of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT dollars and TWENTY-SEVEN cents ($25,688.27) in total be approved:

                                    Payroll direct deposits and cheques #4502-4532          $  25,688.27

                                    TOTAL NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE                                  $  25,688.27




Accounts Payable   Moved by Councillor Stone

#4533 - 4552              Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That the commitments and expenditures represented by the accounts payable listed below be authorized and that the payment in the amount of TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY dollars and EIGHT cents ($28,550.08) in total be approved:

                                    Payroll direct deposits and cheques #4533 - 4552        $  28,550.08

                                    TOTAL NET CURRENT EXPENDITURE                                  $  28,550.08




#572                           Moved by Councillor Benzer

                                    Seconded by Councillor Dostaler

                                    That Bylaw #572, cited as the “Zoning Regulation (Screening) Amending Bylaw,” be read a second time.




                                    Member Reports & Inquiries

Councillor Stone       A verbal report:                                                                                      

                                    a)   Blue Box Program

b)     Gallery Opening for Joel Tremblay’s Montrose Elementary School  Grade 5 Art Tuesday, March 20th at 6:30 p.m.

c)     Seniors Caring About Seniors


Councillor Benzer      A verbal report on:

a)     CCERC – are interested in leasing space in change room building.  Next meeting March 15, 2001

b)     Water pamphlets are still at school

c)     Information meeting on Beaver Creek Provincial Park

d)     Apologized for missing the Columbia Basin Trust Meeting in Nelson



Councillor Parker       A verbal report on:

a)   Consultative Policing Group - will discuss benefits of the Crime Prevention Program for Montrose

Councillor Dostaler   A verbal report on:

a)   Complaints regarding noise at his neighbours – staff directed to find out if Area A has a noise bylaw

Mayor Walsh              A verbal report on:

a)     The search for volunteers on the Recreation Commission

Administrator             No report.


                                    On a motion by Councillor Parker the meeting adjourned at 8:40              p.m.

I hereby certify the preceding to be a true and correct account of the Regular Meeting #07-01 of Council held on March 5, 2001.



         ______________________________                              ______________________________

                                       Mayor                                                                                       Deputy Clerk